Julia Hoffmann

Julia Hoffmann, M. Sc.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Power-to-X-Technologien

Room: Room 1-007 (T2)
Dr.-Mack-Straße 77 (Technikum 2)
90762 Fürth


Julia studied Chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Her master’s thesis, conducted under the supervision of Prof. Bastian Etzold at the Chair of Technical Chemistry, focused on optimizing deposition parameters for the synthesis of nickel-coated mesh electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis, specifically targeting the catalysis of the oxygen evolution reaction.

In June 2022, Julia began her PhD as part of the H2 Giga Project PrometH2eus, which focuses on application-oriented anode development for alkaline water electrolysis. Her research involves the synthesis of catalysts on mesh electrodes using galvanic deposition, material optimization, electrochemical method development, and the transition of laboratory-scale investigations to industrial conditions. Additionally, she works on scaling up the synthesis process and testing electrodes on industrial-scale systems for alkaline electrolysis.