Mohammad Hossein Ghanbari

Mohammad Hossein Ghanbari, M. Sc.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Power-to-X-Technologien

Room: Room U1.020
Egerlandstr. 3A
91058 Erlangen


Mohammad completed his bachelor’s in applied chemistry at the University of Kashan, Iran in 2015. He subsequently joined Kharazmi University, (The First National University in Iran), for his master’s in analytical chemistry, where he achieved 1st rank in the program as well as 2nd rank out of 1036 participants in the Ph.D. national entrance examinations in 2018. Nevertheless, he chose to continue his studies in Germany, joining Prof. Etzold’s research group in 2022.

His research focused on the fabrication of paper-based microfluidic electrochemical sensor devices with 3D electrode arrangement, employing diverse techniques and catalysts for heavy metal and drug sensing.