Marius Funke

Marius Funke, M. Sc.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Power-to-X-Technologien

Room: Room 1-007 (T2)
Dr.-Mack-Straße 77 (Technikum 2)
90762 Fürth


Marius Funke studied Chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt. He graduated in December 2022 at the Chair of Technical Chemistry under supervision of Prof. Bastian J.M. Etzold with his master thesis on “Experimental and Statistical Investigation into the Process and Catalyst Parameters of the Ostwald Process”.

Since October 2023 Marius is pursuing his PhD at the Chair of Power-to-X Technologies at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. His research focuses on the functionalization (hydroamination) of lignin-derived aromatic structures through electrocatalysis and thermocatalysis under pressure within the government-supported project “IntEleK-to 2.0”. This includes topics within the fields of electrochemistry, heterogenous catalysis, carbon materials and electrocatalysts, electrosynthesis and process engineering.