Nils Näser

Nils Näser, M. Sc.

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Power-to-X-Technologien

Room: Room 1-007 (T2)
Dr.-Mack-Straße 77 (Technikum 2)
90762 Fürth


Nils studied chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt. His master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Etzold focused on the preparation and testing of gas diffusion electrodes for the electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide into base chemicals and fuels.

In April 2023 Nils started his PhD in the Etzold research group at the TU Darmstadt and moved in September 2023 with the group to the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. His researches focuses on pressure-controlled gas diffusion electrodes for the organic electrosynthesis within the framework of the BMBF future cluster ETOS. His research aims to accelerate the transfer of sustainable syntheses from laboratory to industrial scale. This includes topics within the fields of electrochemistry, electrosynthesis, method development, plant automation and process engineering.